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Virginians in Blue with Kevin Shroyer
American Civil War Museum - Appomattox 159 Horseshoe Rd, Appomattox, VirginiaEveryone is familiar with Robert E. Lee's decision to resign from the U.S. Army because he did not want to draw his …
The Union War with Gary Gallagher (Appomattox)
ACWM Appomattox 159 Horseshoe Rd, Appomattox, VAACWM Members receive FREE ADMISSION with promo code sent to your email. ACWM Members-Only Reception to precede the talk from 5:30pm - …
The Union War with Gary Gallagher (Tredegar)
Historic Tredegar 480 Tredegar St., Richmond, VAACWM Members-Only Reception to precede the talk from 5:45pm - 6:30pm.
Israel Hill: The Free People of Farmville with Rod Stanley
American Civil War Museum - Appomattox 159 Horseshoe Rd, Appomattox, VirginiaEstablished in the early 1800s, Israel Hill, in the heartland of Virginia, was a communal experiment of limited social and economic freedom …