History Needs Heroes Campaign
History Needs Heroes Preserve the Past, Inspire the Future A campaign to fund the preservation of the ACWM’s world-class collection of Civil …

History Needs Heroes Preserve the Past, Inspire the Future A campaign to fund the preservation of the ACWM’s world-class collection of Civil …
How did Civil War soldiers give tattoos to each other anyway? It was actually more accessible than you’d think… (@the_tattooed_historian) 😳 🖋️ …
Happy Friday! What designs were Civil War soldiers getting tattoos of most commonly? 🤔💭 These might not have been your first guess, …
Where did soldiers usually get their tattoos during the Civil War? We asked @the_tattooed_historian! Follow us for more interesting facts about tattoos and …
You asked, we delivered! Here is the next installment of our new series “Tattoos & the Civil War”, The Tattooed Historian. Today …
It’s National Tattoo Day! Did you know that tattoo culture has roots in the Civil War? Introducing our new collaboration series “Tattoos …